Funginix Review – Nail Fungus Treatment

Your nails are going to be seen and there is really nothing you can do about it. It might be on vacation at the beach or pool. You might be seen wearing open toed shoes. Even if you are shy they still will get seen at the gym in the shower. That is reason enough to hope that you are not one of the 35 million Americans that have nail fungus. If you have thick, brittle, and yellowing nails then you do. Up until recently there was very little you could do about it but now you can. The cure is in a product called funginix.

What is nail fungus?

Nail fungus is exactly what it sounds like it is. It is a fungus or mold that has infected the nail. Contrary to popular belief, however, it does not really live in the nail. Instead it lives just under neath it on and in the nail bed its self. This causes the nail to produce Keratin. It is the Keratin that causes the discoloration, yellowing or cloudiness, and brittleness of the nail its self. To cure the problem, you must treat the disease and not just the symptoms. In this case, that means killing the fungus as well as treating the nail. Funginix can do that.

How do you treat it?

Nail fungus has been so hard to treat because it lives protected underneath the nail. How do you get to it? That is where funginix comes in. It is made from all natural oils that work their way under the nail. As many people know, many oils have antiseptic or anti-fungal properties and funginix uses them. As they work their way under the nail they kill the fungus that is causing the brittleness and yellowing. At the same time, these oils also treat the existing nail to improve its health until new nails replace it. Because the ingredients are all natural it can do this with no reported side effects. This is also why the formula has been registered by the FDA.

Funginix is available around the world at at an extremely low price, only nine dollars and ninety five cents. This means the testimonials also come from around the world like Tony from Australia. He writes about how amazed he was that funginix worked so fast. Anna, meanwhile, back in the United States loves what it has done for her self esteem and self worth. Andre has been fighting nail fungus for over a decade and so glad that he finally found a product that works. The list of testimonials goes on and on.

If you are one of the 8% of the population that suffers from yellowing, thick, and brittle nails then it is time to stop suffering. Funginix can rid you of nail fungus for good. For a mere nine dollars and ninety five cents you can soon be proud of your nails at the pool or in open toed shoes. You days of hiding your nails can be over.